
Upcoming Walks

Men’s Walk 134

…is in…

  • When: April 10-13, 2025
  • Lay Director: Zac Polk
  • Spiritual Director: Pastor Gary Westbrook

Women’s Walk 135

…is in…

  • When: April 24-27, 2025
  • Lay Director: Jeanne Prestwood
  • Spiritual Director: Pastor Sunny Langlinais

What is Emmaus

Emmaus is a Christian Ministry that revitalizes Christian men and women in their walk with Jesus Christ by encouraging them to: 

  • Rediscover Christ’s presence in their lives and gain a fresh understanding of God’s transforming grace,
  • Make a deeper impact on the world by living a life centered on Jesus Christ,
  • Form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual maturity

Emmaus begins with The Walk to Emmaus, a 3-day spiritual retreat wrapped in prayer. The Walk to Emmaus inspires, challenges, and equips active adult church members for Christian action to grow in their faith and commitment. The Walk also benefits less-active members who are seeking to renew a relationship with God, grow spiritually, and discover firmer foundations for their lives. The Walk focuses on God’s love for each of us through grace. Emmaus does not teach doctrine. We focus on two truths: God’s Grace Is Real, and We Need To Share It.

Emmaus continues as a life-long family of Christians gathering to celebrate together, pray together and grow together through small group sharing and worship services throughout the years. 

Register for a Walk

Each person wanting to attend a Walk requires a sponsor. A sponsor can be anyone who has attended a previous Walk anywhere in the world. If you wish to go on a Walk, and do not have a sponsor, please inquire at your place of worship or go to the Contact Us section of this website to send an inquiry.

The registration process for a Walk requires several steps. First, complete the forms below and pay your fees. Once you have initially registered, you will receive additional information and release forms via email.

Step 1: Register as a pilgrim

You may register online, or print and mail your registration. NOTE: The following forms must be completed before being placed on a Walk to Emmaus: Pilgrim Application, Sponsorship Form, and the two Liability Forms (BVEC & Cross Roads).

The forms below are required to attend the Walk to Emmaus. PLEASE review the forms. You can print the forms, and bring them with you when you attend the Walk. Otherwise, you will be asked to complete the forms when you arrive.

Step 2: Have your sponsor register

Your sponsor must sign up and certify that they are sponsoring you.

Step 3: Pay your fees

Current cost to attend the Walk is $225.
Please work with your sponsor, or your local church for payment.
You or your sponsor/church can pay your fees conveniently online.
A $75.00 deposit is required when this form is submitted. Payment can be made on-line on the website (click link below) or by check. Mail check to:

Registrar, Brazos Valley Emmaus Community
P.O. Box 10491
College Station, TX 77842

Walk Location
and Fees

All Brazos Valley Emmaus Walks are held at CrossRoads Retreat in Chriesman, Texas.

  • CrossRoads Retreat
    255 Cross Roads
    Caldwell, TX 77836

Pilgrim fee: $225.

What to Bring / What to Wear

The Emmaus Community has been praying for you already! We are happy and excited to meet you and greet you and get to know you on your upcoming walk. The Emmaus experience is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so as much as you can, free yourself mentally as well as spiritually for this weekend. 

You will need to bring: 

  • Comfortable, causal clothes. Most of the time will be spent in the conference room which can be chilly, so bring a sweater or jacket. 
  • Toiletry items including washcloth and towel. 
  • Bedding for a twin bed to include: Sleeping bag OR sheets, pillow, pillow case and blankets.
  • Jacket or rain wear based on the weather forecast. We will be walking between buildings for activities. 
  • Medications, glasses/contacts (if you use them).
  • Flashlight.
  • A pair of Tennis shoes or closed toe shoes. 
  • Cash or check to purchase books if you are interested.

Your sponsor will have the necessary phone numbers in case of an emergency, and will make them available to your family in case they need to contact you. Be sure your family has your sponsor’s contact information. Please no cell phones or electronics.  

You will NOT need to bring your own snacks for the weekend.

What to Expect

Your sponsor will plan your transportation on Thursday evening. We will meet you at the Cross Roads Retreat between 6:00 – 6:30 pm (please do not be early or late!). Eat dinner before you arrive. Similar arrangements will be made for your Sunday evening return home. 

You will enjoy three busy days of singing, praying, worshipping, and participating in small groups. Discussions center around God’s grace and how grace comes alive in Christian community. You will have the opportunity to participate daily in Holy Communion and experience God’s grace personally.