
Team Service Application

In order to work a Walk to Emmaus as either inside team member or outside team member please complete the appropriate Team Service Application as well as the Medical Release for Cross Roads Retreat, and the Release of Liability.

Keep your information current via Ministry Manager

The Brazos Valley Emmaus Community uses the Upper Room Ministry Manager system to help members and administrators keep track of information.

Once you have signed up for a Ministry Manager account, you’ll be able to:

  • Review your service sheet.
  • Verify that all the teams you have worked (Inside, Outside, Candlelight) are listed.
  • Manage your personal information, such as address, phone or email address
    • Update your info under the “my account” button in the top right once you’re logged in.

Not a Member of the Brazos Valley Emmaus Community? No problem!

Attending a Walk to Emmaus sponsored by the Brazos Valley Emmaus Community is not the only way to become enrolled as a member of the Brazos Valley Emmaus Community. The Emmaus community is international.

You or someone you know may have served or would like to serve on a team in support of Brazos Valley Emmaus Community walks. To be credited in the database for team service, you must be enrolled in the database. If you are not enrolled, you will not get credit and you will not be listed on selection lists for other inside team positions.

To enroll in the Brazos Valley Emmaus Community, complete our BVEC Transfer Request form.

Prayer Vigils

How to sign up

  • We have moved the Prayer Vigil sign-up to a new platform (SignUpGenius)
  • Click the links below to signup for a timeslot to pray
  • After you sign up for a prayer time, you will receive an email confirmation from
  • If you don’t see an email, please check your SPAM/JUNK folder.
  • TO ENSURE EMAIL DELIVERY, PLEASE ADD to your accepted list of recipients.
  • If you have any problems/questions, please reach out to us by clicking here: “Contact Us”
    • Disclaimer: There will be “ads” presented during your sign-up and in the email you receive. We do not endorse any product or service that is presented.

Helpful Hints for Prayer Time

  • Be ready at your assigned time.
  • Find the right space, comfortable but not too comfortable.
  • Have a list of participants and team members, if available, and pray for them by name.
  • Pray for all who are participating through serving, prayer and agape.
  • Take advantage of materials available in your home (Bible, devotional, etc.)

Reunion Groups

Reunion Groups are the heart of the 4th Day. Make it your priority to join an existing group or form a new one. Anyone can form a new reunion group any time. Contact us for more information.

Contact Us

PO Box 10491,
College Station, TX 77842