While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and walked with them.

– Luke 24:15

A Journey with Christ

The word Emmaus in the phrase, “Walk to Emmaus” comes from the story in Luke 24:13-32, where Jesus travels with two disciples from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the day of His resurrection. Later that evening, their eyes were opened, and they recognized Jesus. They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road?” 

What is Emmaus

The Walk to Emmaus develops Christian disciples and leaders by inspiring, challenging, and equipping active adult church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. It also benefits less active members who are seeking to renew a relationship with God, grow spiritually, or discover firmer foundations for their lives.

Through The Walk to Emmaus, as they seek to become healthy and vital congregations, local churches have both a means of growing disciples and a tool for developing leaders for their disciple-making systems.

Emmaus is a Christian Ministry that revitalizes Christian men and women in their walk with Jesus Christ by encouraging them to:

1. Rediscover Christ’s presence in their lives and gain a fresh
understanding of God’s transforming grace,
2. Make a deeper impact on the world by living a life centered on Jesus
3. Form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual maturity

Emmaus begins with The Walk to Emmaus, a 3-day spiritual retreat wrapped in prayer. The Walk to Emmaus inspires, challenges, and equips active adult church members for Christian action to grow in their faith and commitment.

Emmaus does not teach doctrine. We focus on two truths: God’s Grace Is Real, and We Need To Share It.

Emmaus continues as a life-long family of Christians gathering to celebrate together, pray together and grow together through small group sharing and worship services throughout the years.

Upcoming walks

Men’s Walk 134

…is in…


  • When: April 10-13, 2025
  • Lay Director: Zac Polk
  • Spiritual Director: Pastor Gary Westbrook

Women’s Walk 135

…is in…


  • When: April 24-27, 2025
  • Lay Director: Jeanne Prestwood
  • Spiritual Director: Pastor Sunny Langlinais

Prayer Vigils

Sign up for specific blocks of time to pray for the upcoming BVEC Emmaus Walks.


Contact us

Prayer requests

BVEC, PO Box 10491, College Station, TX 77842